Tag: Christmas

December 18, 2019 0 Comments

Mr. Smith hammered away in his garage. He looked down the street and watched Mr. Jones and his sons hauling boxes into their garage. His brow furrowed, and his expression grew harder. He hit the nail harder. Whatever it was, this year, his Christmas display had to be bigger. 

For years, the two men had competed to have the biggest and best Christmas display. It started small. Mr. Jones put up some lights and a manager display with a large star on top. 

Every one admired it. Mr. Smith felt it made his crude manager that his father had used seem very lame. The next year, Mr. Smith built a large manager scene with lights decking out the stable. Mr. Jones felt it was an attack on his display, and so the following year had put lights all over his house. 

December 19, 2018 0 Comments

Charlotte jumped down from the couch. She half skipped and half ran into the kitchen. “It’s snowing,” she happily told her mother.

Her mother looked out the back window and sighed. “Yes,” she said, “hopefully it doesn’t snow too much.”

Charlotte ran back into the living room and climbed up on the couch to watch the snowfall. It covered the front yard and street. After a while, Charlotte jumped down. She ran to the bookshelf and started looking through the books. Her little finger ran along the books on one shelf, and another, and another. Finally, way on the bottom, she found it. She carefully pulled the book out and ran to find her older sister.