
I love stories. Hearing them, reading them, or telling them, stories are my jam. Stories connect us together, they teach us, grow us, and inspire us. If you love good stories, welcome to Writing Rose.

Here you will find many different types of stories. Do you like fun adventures? Check out Monk and Magellan Adventures. Do you want to learn or see how to apply Scriptural truths? Read some modern illustrations of Scripture. Do you love analogies? So do I, and several of these are analogies to the Christian life. Do you like random? Some of these are, as I am known as the queen of random by some of my friends. Whatever type you like, they will all be entertaining, enjoyable, relaxing, encouraging, and occasionally amusing.

How did I come to start writing, you ask?

Rose a.k.a me

My imagination has always been very active–Anne of Green Gables and I would have gotten on splendidly and been kindred spirits. Ever since I was little, I wanted to be a writer. (I have many files from my younger years with partially completed stories).

When I got into high school, I discovered the writings of Pansy (a.k.a Isabella Alden). It was love at first read and she became my writing role model. I dreamed of being like her. Pansy challenges her readers to live completely sold out for God. God is the one thing I am extremely passionate about. I want everyone, especially young people, to be sold out for Him and catch the vision for what He has to offer us. It is so incredible, awe-inspiring, joy-filled, and the greatest adventure ever. My goal is to write for my generation like Pansy did for her.

Toward the end of 2017, I read a quote by Ray Bradbury it said, “Write a short story every week. It’s not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row.” That became my goal. I am still in college and still learning to write, but I decided to challenge myself during 2018, one a week. I already failed at the one a week part. (School got in the way and homework took my writing time.) But I believe in second chances and I am going to keep trying to write a story a week through my fall semester. Gulp. We’ll see how that goes.

These stories are my attempt to learn. Feel free to comment and tell me what you love or hate about my stories. I want to learn and grow.

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